A New Trump Speech... Just for You!

Da Speech

...or. You have to make our country at risk from radical Islam, but President, I brought up the subject of illegal immigration – my poor Miss Universe people – it has to be live. It’s ridiculous. But it’s precisely the opposite, believe me.

In Palestinian Authority rejected it also.

Then John Kerry tried to join ISIS.

The Boston bombers had at its founder an immigrants from Pakistan and he brought his wife, the other day and now I’m building all over the world, and I got it from the Middle East. But we don’t know this before.
We have all the time. Their leaders are really nice. Thank you. Thank you very much. Hello. I’d like to have that. We’re gonna protect.” What are we doing? They’ve got to solve the problem.

So all over. One day it was NASCAR. “Trump loses NASCAR.” I said, “You know, Mr. Trump, you’re going to happen, folks. It's not working. We have a stock market that is very scary. You have anything like it. Yes, there are plans that they wanted for years. And if he wins totally succeed when they use real paper right?

You see, I know about deal-making. That’s – in all fairness, ‘cause look at all of the sudden a new group forms, ISIS. By the way, you know how they came on to this great land, why are they?” 7.5% of all of the best-selling, all-time — and I’ll tell you what, it has received sophisticated anti-ship weapons, anti-aircraft weapons and rights and privileges; it’s going to have a baby. There's nothing easy about radical Islam,” even as she pushes for a massive trade deals that benefit all parties involved, always. My goal is always peace, however and I’m killing them take advantage of us I have nothing. We get nothing. And every once in a while I’ll give you the bad news. But it could be he’d want to be a little story. It’s now under budget deficit--so important, have to do it.

Get rid of the bad thing. But I said it very strongly, it's very important position because we have nothing against China I have great leadership right here in the United States, Europe or our allies.

We are going, and all you have to get strong fast. You can have an obligation to honor their agreements with deep pockets of radical Islamic terrorism.

I believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia and China. We’re rebuilding America for our currency so brilliantly, they just did it recently, and nobody knows why. They refused to compete. And they're getting rid of common defense

I want to make a speech again!

What is this?

Insta-Trump uses transcripts of several Trump speeches to create a new speech using a process called a Markov Chain.

The speeches used include:

  • Campaign Announcement - June 16, 2015
  • Iowa Freedom Summit - January 24, 2015
  • South Carolina Primary Victory Speech - February 20, 2015
  • Super Tuesday Speech - March 1, 2016
  • Foreign Policy Speech - April 27th, 2016
  • Victory Speech at New Jersey June 7th
  • Speech on the Orlando Shooting - June 13, 2016
  • No more speeches will be added because he got elected and that makes me sad.

    Credit Where Credit is Due

    Mike Rugnetta
    Thanks, Mike, for the tweet that spawned the idea to make this!
    Hay Kranen
    Thanks to Hay Kranen for making and releasing the source to his PHP Markov Chain text generator, the engine that makes this site work!

    To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

    34513 Trump Speeches Speeched as of 09:13:11 AM 07/27/24

    Pollsters started counting at 10:57PM 3/2/16.


    Neither Insta-Trump, Victor Frost, nor FrostWorks in any way support, endorse, or are affiliated with Donald Trump, his campaign, or any of his properties. This is a parody site.