A New Trump Speech... Just for You!
This website will create a mathematically generated Trump speech, just for you! Not sure math and Trump go together? Click the button and find out!
...anted it. So, I can't beat ISIS? I don’t think so, right. Look at my family. I’m proud of my family, Melania, Barron, Kai, Donnie, Don, Vanessa, Tiffany, Evanka did a great wall, and nobody thought was absolutely unthinkable. So it happened and it's been just so beautiful to watch it grow so strong, so powerful than ever before.
I challenge anyone to explain the street by a knife-wielding Palestine.
Let me be clear: An agreement imposed by the United States and making them a dominant power in the Middle East and it has to stop the border. The problem.
So we have to stop the border. They have been – he’s the one person I sought his counsel because he’s probably an excuse given to the United States stands with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greater by far than any other things.
I know what needs to be done to make America building a $2.5 billion car factory in Mexico.
Now, the Muslim communities. All of our communities wealthy. We will make our country great. I love that book.
You know, I make great product.”
And I want to be so politically correct.
I was very successful guy. He said, I have more accountants than any countries. China, you go there now, roads, bridges, our school’s going to make America great again folks we're going to do it. We’re going to say, but I ride down the highways and someday maybe hit even the United States. They’re great. But you know what we’re babies. The beauty of America First means the American people like nobody has ever fought before. And I’m not a political hacks, diplomats. We use people that want to wait.
So, the reasons is China is dumping tremendous fortunate. “How do you think about if I take his money but in the end, I screw him and don’t do anything for me. They’re going to mess with us, folks.
And we will seek a foreign policy direction for our country, and what’s going to mess with us about 1/3 smaller than 1991. Pilots are flying B-52s in combat mission and stronger by the way it is. We’ve rebuilt China. When was the last week, you look at our military nuclear weapons and GPS systems and rockets like very few countries have. Now they’re not good.
But Obamacare. Obamacare.
Yesterday, it came out talking about.
The insurance companies to compete, impossible for our company. There's nothing easy about running for President. And yet out of 30 countries defend a country are getting weaker. Even our nuclear arsenal doesn’t work th
Insta-Trump uses transcripts of several Trump speeches to create a new speech using a process called a Markov Chain.
The speeches used include:
No more speeches will be added because he got elected and that makes me sad.
Hypothesis: Donald Trump’s speech writer is actually a Markov text generator which uses every previous Donald Trump speech as its input.
— Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) March 2, 2016
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Pollsters started counting at 10:57PM 3/2/16.
Neither Insta-Trump, Victor Frost, nor FrostWorks in any way support, endorse, or are affiliated with Donald Trump, his campaign, or any of his properties. This is a parody site.