A New Trump Speech... Just for You!
This website will create a mathematically generated Trump speech, just for you! Not sure math and Trump go together? Click the button and find out!
...h everybody.”
You know, when I announced I was running for our country in its history.
Our goal is peace and promote regional stability, but look what’s happened to us!
Our nuclear weapons that are incomptent and don't know what? I don’t have people, folks, it’s a bad deal.
The biggest beneficiary was Iran, who is a total and complete investigation into this country. I look at Obamacare. A total catastrophe and a disaster for the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end education has to be local.
Rebuild the country’s infrastructure, our bridges. And our jobs back. We're going to do business a long time.
And I look at what happened?”
And the last thing-- You know in the old days, I would have a border that wrote “The Art of the Deal and replace the big documentation and we don't have Bush. The last month. He had that election won. And like, I like Congressman Ryan, I like a lot of things but this isn't part of what they did.
And you look at Baltimore, you look at China and with Japan and with all of these communities. All of our vets.
But so they do this poll, and in the politicians want to be firefighters are the walls because I’m too much of a fighter. My preference is always peace, however and they actually sent it back. They’ll all come back. And I will make you and you know what we’ve made. The deal is silent on test missiles. But those tests do violate the horror of Islamic terrorists in Benghazi took down our consulate and killed by an illegal immigration history of all terror networks that nurture it are imports from overseas whether you like it is right now. It’s not a great state. We have no choice. They get good stories, because I’m really probably before I've been saying for many years they’ve got terror cells everywhere, including our wonderful country who doesn’t share their currency so brilliantly, they just did it recently, last week, a woman 66-years-old, a veteran, was killed – raped, sodomized, tortured, and killed by an illegal immigration. Wants to let people come in. Although not in government?
And he said: “tear down this wall.”
He said, “I can’t get it. Maybe they don’t have great military but we can't beat ISIS. We have great great power.
The problem and will be a very, very major problem fully understand. No, come on. Just one minute. Come on. One second, right? Good.
OK. We go back to war tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning. To
Insta-Trump uses transcripts of several Trump speeches to create a new speech using a process called a Markov Chain.
The speeches used include:
No more speeches will be added because he got elected and that makes me sad.
Hypothesis: Donald Trump’s speech writer is actually a Markov text generator which uses every previous Donald Trump speech as its input.
— Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) March 2, 2016
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Pollsters started counting at 10:57PM 3/2/16.
Neither Insta-Trump, Victor Frost, nor FrostWorks in any way support, endorse, or are affiliated with Donald Trump, his campaign, or any of his properties. This is a parody site.