A New Trump Speech... Just for You!
This website will create a mathematically generated Trump speech, just for you! Not sure math and Trump go together? Click the button and find out!
...nesota have tried to join ISIS.
The Boston bombers came here tonight to pander to you about Israel. That’s OK.” I’m proud of my successful guy. He said, I have more accountants than any countries – we don’t have a clue. They called and said, “Oh, wait a minute, that’s the wrong number. That’s – in all fairness, ‘cause so many people. And the reason I’m telling you about it.
Now, we have crowds are the walls better than anybody.
So I announced I was running for president, folks. We’re going to change a system that’s totally rigged in order to make our cities safe again. We will make America safe again. We will keep the billions and the admissions without plans for the day after, have created space for ISIS to expand and grow substantially. That’s long-term debt, very low energy. So low energy that everybody wanted it. So, I can't believe what we're getting away with anything.
And I don't want that to happen any longer.
You cannot do it.
There’s only one thing to discuss, the groups that will never forget you. We will make America great again folks we're going to build our infrastructure, our bridges. And our jobs. Never again. Together, we will. I promise, we will.
Thank you.
And Ivanka. Has anybody who makes television sets. I’d like to have the opposite, believe me.
Third, at the last month. He had that election, sort of like a dealmaker that can't close the deal. I know him…I said I don’t walk over the border for the country. And believe me there are plans that are so much better and stronger, it sounds good. You don't really test the mettle of a man or a woman 66-years-old, a veterans to civilian life.
Finally, we must make America rich again.”
We’re at $8 trillion now. We’re soon going to put their countries above ours and we, while being fair to them is just killing us? They’re devaluing down to the bone because I backed the mass migration which is strangling our economy. He’s crippled us with wasteful spending the minimum required 2% of GDP on defense and security. And like, I like Congressman Ryan, I like a lot of the Deal because they’re a voice of sanity. They’re in Syria trying to spread “universal values” that not everyone shares, we should not let anyone ever think anything differently. We can't forget it. Special, special. Thank you.
Wow. Whoa. That is so bloated.
Be careful. Because they were there first.” I got the old post office in Washington, D.C. And I
Insta-Trump uses transcripts of several Trump speeches to create a new speech using a process called a Markov Chain.
The speeches used include:
No more speeches will be added because he got elected and that makes me sad.
Hypothesis: Donald Trump’s speech writer is actually a Markov text generator which uses every previous Donald Trump speech as its input.
— Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) March 2, 2016
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Pollsters started counting at 10:57PM 3/2/16.
Neither Insta-Trump, Victor Frost, nor FrostWorks in any way support, endorse, or are affiliated with Donald Trump, his campaign, or any of his properties. This is a parody site.